I grew up in a small town in north Dallas called Allen. For some who are familiar with that area now, it might be odd to hear Allen described as a small town. In the late 80's through the 90's that is exactly what it was. I spent my formative childhood years attending and serving at First United Methodist Church of Allen. I cherish my time there as I made a lot of friends and learned all about Jesus. As any good Methodist does, when I entered the sixth grade I went through confirmation class, eventually leading to a profession of faith in Jesus and baptism into the church.
A few months later my family moved from Allen to a suburb of Orlando called Clermont. Much like my time in Allen, I was very active in my church, First United Methodist Church of Clermont. While those experiences laid the foundation for what God had in store for me later on in life, they did not come without their trials. By the time I was a young man in college, I had thrown away my faith, and became a self-avowed atheist. By the grace of God I was brought back into the fold on my Walk to Emmaus in 2009. From that pivotal moment in my life I was set down a path that would eventually lead me to ordained ministry.
I graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2010 with a Bachelors of Science in sports and fitness specializing in coaching. Then went on to graduate from Asbury Theological Seminary in 2014 with a Masters of Arts in theological studies specializing in youth ministry. After nearly ten years of faithful service at First Methodist Church of Livingston, first as their youth director for 8 years and then as their associate for 2 years, our Lord has called me to serve as senior pastor for First Methodist Church Nederland. I am married to the most amazing wife and ministry helper, Natalie who has also blessed me with two wonderful children, Junia and Paxton.
Outside of serving the church and spending time with my family, I also enjoy all things soccer, I enjoy hunting and fishing, I enjoy tinkering with technology, and for the last few years have been dabbling in woodworking. I am honored to be the senior pastor for such a wonderful church who loves Jesus. The Holy Spirit is alive and present in this church. I believe that God has big things in store for all of us.
In love of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Alain Leistikow
Senior Pastor
FMC Nederland